Twenty years of Note pad++. Variation 8.6 launches with Multi-Edit function

Note Pad++ is an open source plain text editor for Windows that uses much better performance than the integrated Note pad tool of the os. Note pad++ is commemorating its 20th anniversary today.

The designer launched Note Pad++ 8.6 to commemorate the anniversary. The statement of the brand-new release exposes info about the previous twenty years of the task.

It is an interested read. Even Note pad++, which numerous think about the very best plain text editor for Windows, needed to get appeal in the start. The designer confesses that he needed to sign-up for different online forums to promote the brand-new full-screen editor.

This altered quickly afterwards as the appeal of the full-screen editor increased.

Enjoyable reality: our very first reference of Note pad++ here on this website remained in 2006, simply months after the main launch of the website.

Note Pad++ 8.6 functions

Notepad++ 8.6

Note Pad++ 8.6 is a smaller sized release that consists of bug repairs for the many part. Nevertheless, it likewise consists of brand-new multi-edit abilities that permit users to include or eliminate characters from several positions in a text file.

Note pad++’s multi-column edit function permits users to choose several entries that are surrounding to each other in the file. Multi-edit drops that restriction, so that any matching string can be picked, despite position in the file.

The full-screen editor highlights all matching strings in the file immediately when you select.

The online aid recommends to utilize Ctlr-click to pick others. This did not work throughout tests and the choice Enable Multi-Editing was not present in Modifying either.

In any occasion, the function makes modifying several entries in a Note pad file simpler. You might utilize it to change several strings rapidly, e.g., variables, or eliminate specific products quicker.

Multi-select background and care colors are now likewise personalized. Great if you do not like the default color pattern for the performance.

The 2nd brand-new function in the release is the capability to keep in mind unattainable files from previous sessions. The choice is discovered under Backup in the choices.

The staying modifications are bug repairs, which you discover noted when you initially begin the full-screen editor after setup or upgrade.

Closing Words

Note pad++ continues to be an exceptional plain text editor for Windows. It will be intriguing to see where it stands in twenty years from today.

Now You: do you utilize Note pad++ or another plain text editor on Windows?

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