Pricing is always a critical component of business strategy, but it’s even more important in a volatile economy. Thanks to exploding consumer demand, supply chain disruptions, and easy…

Tim Post of discusses rubber duck debugging, a way to wrap your head around problems and solutions. SE Radio host Felienne spoke with Post about rubber duck…

As software engineering teams start to build products that become more and more mature, it becomes necessary to be able to debug complex issues with tooling that enables…

The Presto/Trino project makes distributed querying easier across a variety of data sources. As the need for machine learning and other high volume data applications has increased, the…

I learned the importance of rapid feedback as a swimmer in high school and college. Like most people, I started my swimming career in the pool. If you…

A growing number of organizations that produce mission-essential, safety-critical systems are using model-based systems engineering (MBSE) methods to ensure that the systems being delivered satisfy their intended requirements….

retrieves the stats (clapCount, voterCount, responseCount, and readingTime) of Medium posts Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash In this article, I will explain how to retrieve the stats…